Myself and another Experience Designer were tasked to uplift the existing 'Owners' page for Toyota's dotcom experience.
The Owners page went through 'Discovery' and 'Define & Design' phases with Experience Design, SEO, Marketing Science, Visual Design and Copywriting teams.
UX activities
User interviews
Card sorting
Usability testing
Discovery & Define presentation
Include existing video assets
Incorporate Toyota's entire value chain
Myself and another Experience Designer were tasked to uplift the existing 'Owners' page for Toyota's dotcom experience.
The Owners page went through 'Discovery' and 'Define & Design' phases with Experience Design, SEO, Marketing Science, Visual Design and Copywriting teams.
The opportunity
Become a personalised and trusted educational guide that helps guests discover content, products and services suitable to their unique journey: lifestyle, lifestage and ownership stage
UX activities
User interviews
Card sorting
Usability testing
Discovery & Define presentation
Include existing video assets
Incorporate Toyota's entire value chain
The opportunity
Become a personalised and trusted educational guide that helps guests discover content, products and services suitable to their unique journey: lifestyle, lifestage and ownership stage
Hello, I'm Pip,
a UX Specialist motivated
to create holistic, inclusive, frictionless and meaningful moments to get people where they need to go and have them enjoying it along the way.
Fleet 'Thinking Styles' Research
UX Research
R/GA X Toyota​
The ask
Conduct in-depth research on Toyota For Business audiences, and segment them into 'Thinking Styles' (similar to personas - but going beyond demographics).
The outcome
Using these Thinking Styles we could effectively make better design decisions, strengthen the overall Fleet direction and strategy, identify gaps and additional opportunities, and create more personalised experiences.
Electrification Hub redesign
UX Research & Design
R/GA X Toyota
The ask
Research and redesign the existing electrified vehicle pages to prepare customers for the (then) upcoming release of the Battery Electric Vehicle, Bz4X. ​​
The outcome
A hub of pages dedicated to Toyota's electric vehicles: educating customers about various electric vehicles and electric vehicle technology, and re-establishing Toyota's position as the industry leader in the industry.
Interactive label design
UX Design
ACMI Museum​​​
The ask
Design a digital label which presents a multitude of objects in a case in the exhibition on an interactive screen.
The outcome
A 'collectable' interactive label design in which guests can select, enlarge, and learn more about museum objects and works.
Lens onboarding optimisation
UX Research & Design​
ACMI Museum​​​
The ask
Optimise the uptake, onboarding and engagement of the Lens (a physical hand held museum device) with existing constraints.​
The outcome
An iterated onboarding station with new messaging and more inclusive lighting feedback to help new visitors.